Tuesday, November 18, 2008

From dating to dogging

I have a sudden ache for a puppy. Expensive, time consuming and as my mom said, "Like babies that never grow up." But here is my logic:
A. This ever-infant state will curb any baby hunger that may pop up in the future.
B. It will keep my already full hands busy- and distracted from the fact that I have a less than successful dating life.
C. I will have someone to cuddle me at night. :)

I decided if I used to money I have budgeted for babysitters (and other things I spend on that help make me more attractive to the opposite sex) on a dog, I could totally afford one! Haha...

Jasmine thrives on responsibility and Asia thrives on mimicking Jasmine, so I have no doubt they would fight over who picks up the poops.

Could totally work.

I have a very fairytale-esque picture of getting one by Christmas, purchasing a sweater for it and wrapping it in a box like the opening scene from Lady And The Tramp. My kids would be thrilled.

Alas, I am sure I will come to my senses shortly but in the mean time there is a chihuahua calling my name in an amimal shelter in Orem.


Rachel and Kelly said...

You should totally do it. Dogs are the greatest!!! And your kids would absolutely love it. I will go with you and look if you want.

Jenn said...
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A said...

Come see my blog and leave a comment so I can add you! jedandash.blogspot.com

Misty said...

If you have an indoor puppy, I won't be able to come see you... you know, since I come over SO often! lol

I think you could use the snuggles though. Good Luck with the puppy!