Saturday, November 15, 2008

I rite rill fast

If you see that I have misspelled a word or used the wrong one PLEASE let me know. I am educated, but seem to space out at times and not use my common sense. Rae, I know you see these errors. It you love me, speak up so I can correct them :)


Rae said...

First off my darling, the title makes me want to vomit and I can HEAR the voice saying it.


Secondly, I believe the only misspelling I've noticed is "greatful" and I liked it. Full of great, that's you!

Rae said...

P.S.-That post was entirely sarcastic, wasn't it? :)

Rae said...

I'm such a word nazi.

Jenn said...

No I was serious! Greatful, grateful, greightful.....

Katie said...

Dude, I didn't even know you had a blog. WTF? :) It's super cute though

Rachel and Kelly said...

Why didn't I know you had a blog?? I love it.

Jenn said...

So what happens to the oldest post when you post again, does it go away or do you save all this? I want to save all of it!